Location: IKM/mdw

Department for Cultural Management and Gender Studies – Cultures of Knowledge in Dialogue


“Experimental Arrangements” 17. and 18. January 2013

That nowadays the concept of knowledge itself is subject to negotiation, is an extremely disconcerting development. At the same time, an immense potential of possibilities becomes apparent. Setting out from a broad concept of knowledge, which apart from that produced by the sciences, includes that of the arts and the body, the senses, tacit knowledge, etc., the conference asks what it may mean to strike up communication between different cultures of knowledge. These are questions concerning content as well as form. In the framework of a culture of dialogue, a working space is offered, and impulses given for encounters and reflections.


“Circuits” 26. and 27. February 2015

Cultures of Knowledge in Dialogue – science and art in dialogue: the first Experimental Arrangements took place during a conference in January, 2013, and are now followed by further Circuits … science and the arts, scientists and artists meet: with a focus on resonance and dissonance alike, on possible contact areas as well as shared potential and cognitive interests. Not only programmatically, but in dialogue, not only regarding what but also how. In listening, in feeling, in experiencing, in expressing, in reflecting.


“Interferences”  22. and 23. September 2016

In the third part of Cultures of Knowledge in Dialogue, we once more want to fathom the boundaries of our thinking, and therewith conclude this cycle for the time being, circling around the concept of Interferences. In the phenomenon of waves/interferences in which some things are enhanced and others cancelled out, it may happen that things taken for granted disappear, while the unexpected becomes visible. Interference allows one to think forms of life and knowledge process-related. “Infinity and nothingness are infinitely threaded through one another so that every infinitesimal bit of one always already contains the other. The possibilities for justice-to-come reside in every morsel of finitude.” (Karen Barad)

